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BS University GPA(Rank) MS University Name Home Research Interests Highlights Looking for Email
Yunnan University
Zifan Tang Link
Astrophysics, accretion physics theory, supermassive Black hole (SMBH), fluid mechanics, 2-D Ising Model
A first author paper has been submitted to MNRAS related to Black hole accretion in 09/2024. Two astronomy-related study experiences in UCSB and Notre Dame.
2024Fall/2025 Spring/2025 Fall/2026 Spring/2026 Fall
Shandong University
Fuzheng Guo Link
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML),Computer Vision
I'm currently a passionate student at Shandong University, having started my journey here in 2022. I've been fortunate enough to maintain a GPA of 93.51/100, which has placed me at the top of my class of 103 students. I'm proud of this achievement, but I know there's always room for growth and learning.
2025 RA, 2026 Fall PhD
Zhejiang Univeristy
Tianyi Li Link
diffusion models, multimodality representation learning/matching, and sparse models
B.Eng(Honors)@ZJU, Summer Research Intern@NUS, Intern@HPC-AI Tech, several papers submitted to NeurIPS and ICLR. I'm interested in doing impactful foundational science research in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. 🔥Seeking for a PhD position where I can enjoy research!
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Yanshan University
Chongqing University
Jun Luo Link
Research field: Visual SLAM, Semantic segmentation, Robot The PhD research field plan: Robot swarm collaborative SLAM, Lightweight model target detection and improve the accuracy of mapping
1. 6 papers have been published/accepted 2. National scholarship for graduate student (2023, 1 time), School level scholarship of A(2 times)
2025 Fall Phd
Jilin University
An Zhong Link
Computer architecture , GPU, hardware security
one paper submitted to TPDS24
2025 Fall Phd
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Huanyu Dong Link
AI/ML Theory, Signal Processing, Optimization, Wireless Communication, and open to other related areas.
✨Solid AI/ML related coding skill: participated in 3 projects with Intel as an undergrad, focusing on reinforcement learning algorithm design for 5G wireless communication. 💡Background in Optimization and Signal Processing: 2 related long-term research intern after graduation, authored 1 journal 3 conferences.🔥Highly motivated fast learner, enthusiastic about theoretical problems!
2025 Spring/Fall PhD, RA
Sichuan University
Jinjian LIU Link
Optimization, Signal Processing, Wireless Communications, Statistical Analysis, Deep Learning and other AI related areas.
First author SCI Q1 under review by Elsevier Signal Processing, 2 SCI Q1 in preparation. I have obtained multiple scholarships and have joined 2023 NUS summer workshop, led a innovative project. Besidse, I have already got 7.5(6.5) score in IELTS examination
2025 Fall Ph.D or MPhil with fellowship
Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University
(Top 10% of class)
Safal Thapaliya Link
Multimodal learning, selfsupervised learning, vision language models. I am interested in applications of the above areas of research in general as well as medical imaging domain.
Bachelor's degree in computer engineering. Currently working as research assistant at NAAMII, the leading research institute of Nepal. 2 major conference publications on vision-language models and medical image segmentation (MIDL'24 oral, MICCAI'24). 1 journal publication.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD, Masters
jiangnan university
Zhejiang University
Xiang Chen -
reinforcement learning ,evolutionary algorithms ,llm
soft sensor,model predict control,process control
2025Fall Phd
Zhejiang University
Zhekai Chen Link
Generative models especially diffusion models, focusing on customization and editing before. MLLM
First-author paper FreeCompose(https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.04947) accepted by ECCV2024. Participations in other two works under review. Two Chinese patents under review. Development of one widely-used mobile app in college. Following Chunhua Shen from 2023, remote internship with Tong Zhang from 2024
2025 Fall PhD, MPhil.
Shandong University
Southeast University
Xiaohui Zhao Link
Cyber-Physical Systems, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Fields: Finding meaning patterns from large-scale data based on data-driven modeling, and designing useful spatio-temporal algorithms to address some real-world societal challenges.
Published two research papers during my master’s studies, including one as the first author at CIKM. Currently have two papers (TKDE and IOT) under review. Completed a data mining internship at ByteDance.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Beijing City University
North China Electric Power University
Chenyuan Shangguan Link
Transfer Learning; Domain Adaptation; Explainable AI; AI in Medicine; LLMs
Publication in domain adaptation, explainable AI and AI in medicine; LLMs internship; Awards: First Prize Scholarship, Outstanding Graduate, National Excellent Award in Blue Bridge Cup Programming Contest; Desire to conduct long-term and in-depth research in a direction.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Northwest A&F University
Gong Ziyuan Link
Strong interest in Data Analysis, Optimization Control, Supply Chian Management
Hold degrees in three degrees in finance, applied statistics and supply chain management, specialising in data analysis and mathematical modelling. Participated in several research projects and published a paper about green economy, good at communicating and cooperating with the team, mainly responsible for data analysis in the teams.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD, RA
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Tianyang Wang Link
I am strongly Interested in medical image analysis and computer vision.
1st author BIBM24x1, some accepted and under review papers, all around the direction of medical image analysis. I have been actively searching for the right mentor and project as I am very eager to continue my studies in this field. I really want to use advanced model architecture to solve the problems in clinical diagnosis.
2025 Fall PhD/RA, MPhil
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Qiuyang Mang Link
I am familiar with software testing and graph data mining (published papers on top conferences as the first author); I am highly interested in combing novel algorithm with practical application, especially for AI/LLM related field.
ICPC World Final List
2025 Fall PhD
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Johns Hopkins University
Zhewen Yang Link
Networking and Network systems, Distributed systems, Storage systems, Datacenter, Video, MLsys and etc.
I am a Master's student in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University, has extensive research experience in systems especially in network systems. Currently, I am a research assistant at HKUST, working on video streaming and network systems. I have interned on research projects at prestigious institutions such as UC Berkeley and the University of Michigan, and I have conducted significant research at Nanjing University. My work has been published in USENIX NSDI, and I have presented at major conferences. My background includes a Bachelor's degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University and multiple international study experiences.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Hunan University
University of Edinburgh - Artificial Intelligence
Duke Link
Large Language Model & application. Natural Language Processing(e.g. Dialogue system, question answering, LLM-based things(like agent) etc.) & its applications in Education and Marketing(Advertising).
Proficient in programming. Served as an algorithm engineer for 7 years at leading Chinese internet companies. Possess 4 years of experience in marketing, advertising, and user growth.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
James Cook University/Beijing Information Science and Technology University
6.27/7; 3.50/4
(5%; 5%)
Australian National University
Pengxiao Han(Alvin) -
I am Interested in machine learning, computer vision, generative model, AI application in healthcare, 3D vision, Internet of Things, diffusion Models, generative adversarial Networks, LLMs, multimodal Learning, robotics.
[CVPRW] https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2024W/L3D-IVU/html/Han_Latent-based_Diffusion_Model_for_Long-tailed_Recognition_CVPRW_2024_paper.html; Excellent Academic Scholarship; 3 computer vision projects; 1 robotic vision internship.
2025 Fall PhD
Wuhan University
(top 20%)
FANG Changrui Link
1. DL and ML, including theory and application. 2. Optimization, including Numerical Optimization and Combinatorial Optimization. 3. Applied/Computational Mathematics
I majored in computational math, so I have a good foundation in math. I have also participated in several mathematical modeling competitions and received good rankings, and I also have a solid foundation in programming. More details are in my cv
2025 Fall PhD or 2025 Fall MPhil, RA
Huazhong Agricultural University
Tianjin University
Panzhong Lu Link
Multimodal, LLM, Machine Learning, Robotics, Embodied AI, etc.
Several publications and projects.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Sun yat-sen University
Brandeis University
Yuanhuan Deng Link
My passion lies at the intersection of computer science and social science. I’m particularly interested in: 1.Data Visualization 2. Image Analysis 3.Human-Computer Interaction
Have multiple experience in data visualization, image analysis and computational social science
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Wuhan University
Columbia University
Jiayin Han -
Field related to Statistics, Applied Math(eg: Computational Neurscience, Signal Processing, Time series analysis etc.), AI (eg: InterpretableML, ), Economics(Macro&Econometrics) etc.
Research experience in Behavioral Factor Modeling on commodity market, credit insurance mechanisms. Projects in Bayesian Inference, Applied ML models on real data and Time Series Analysis. Background in Econ & Applied Math & Statistics
2025 Spring/fall PhD
Hainan University
- Link
My current research interests lie in Natural Language Processing, Vision & Language, Large Language Model.
Intern at OpenMMLab, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, National Prize in CRAIC2023.
2025 Fall PhD, MPhil.
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Yibin Wang Link
My research interests focus on trustworthy AI, particularly in the areas of uncertainty estimation and adversarial robustness.
1st author: ACL 23, Arxiv 24 under review
25 Fall PhD
Tianjin University
3.52/4.0, 87.67/100
Yi Ding Link
Multimodal Learning, Vision Language Models, Trustworthy Machine Learning
Predictive Dynamic Fusion (Accepted to ICML2024), one paper submitted to NeurIPS 2024, internships in UNC CH & Purdue
2025 Fall PhD
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Fuzhou University
Ziyu Lin Link
My research interests focus on network security, protocol security, web security, and LLM for Security. I'm particularly interested in discovering and mitigating new security vulnerabilities in widely-used Internet protocols and systems, such as HTTP protocol, and CDN system.
publications in Usenix Security 2024 as first author. one paper submitted to NDSS 24 as first author. Previously working as RA at THU, currently working as RA at SMU.
2025 Fall PhD
Southern University of Science and Technology
Yue Wu Link
Any area related to machine learning and deep learning, especially for: LLM, GNN, Graph Reasoning, Data Augmentation, Data Mining, Time series analysis, AI4Medicine, AI4Finance
One paper was submitted to Nips2024 as the first author. Several RA experiences related to Graph Learning, LLM and DeepLearning. One internship related to LLM data engineering. High GPA(3.8/4), several provincial and national awards(1st in SUSTech scholarship) Really strong learning ability & research passion~
2025 Fall PhD/Mphil
Wuhan University
Tsinghua University
- Link
AI-related research, information retrieval, recommendation system, or some novel techs I'd like to have a try (e.g. meta-universe)
good education background, top CS conference publication, rich work and intern experience as a research/software engineer
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
(second year: 90.8/100 (2nd); third year: 89.5/100 (2nd); fourth year: 86.9/100 (2nd))
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dongge Jia Link
I aspire to conduct AI-related research and attend top CS conferences. I've read extensively about AI and am open to exploring diverse fields. My goal is to build professional research capabilities in AI, become an active AI community member, and focus on rapidly evolving areas that can make a significant impact.
Research experience in AI, engineering, and medicine; High GPA (2nd in grade/class); Publication in the best journal in computational modeling (5-year IF10+); Numerous awards at the university level; Persistent learner.
2024/2025 Spring/Fall PhD, RA
Peking University
Haoru Wang Link
3d-vision, nerual rendering/simulation in CG, digital human
one paper submitted to NIPS24 as first author. currently working as RA at TUM
25Fall PhD, MPhil
NanJing University of Science and Technology
Xiang Gu Link
multimodal models, foundation models,3D CV, few-shot learning,adversarial attack & defence
1 paper first author in ECAI2024, 1 paper in PRCV2024, 1.5years research experience in school's lab, rich knowledge in 3D CV, designed dynamic multimodal prompt tuning for foundation models
2025 Spring/Fall Ph.D /MPhil
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Zory Zhang Link
computationally characterize and model human learning and reasoning by asking what does it take to build/reverse engineer a cognitive system that learns and reasons like a human
Published in TMLR. Neurips in submission. Summer intern with Pat Langley and Christopher MacLellan.
2025/2026 Fall PhD; 2025 RA
Changchun University of Science and Technology
Aalto University
Sihan Shao Link
Computational imaging with machine learning; Software-hardware co-design for imaging system.
I am a Master's student in Electronics and Nanotechnology (major) and Machine Learning (minor), supported by a Finland Government Scholarship. My research experience mainly includes computational imaging system design and diffractive optical element design, with several publications.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Zhejiang University
Yihang Chen Link
Speech and NLP tasks related to Linguistics
2023 - Now, Remote Internship at MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab in Prof. Chuang Gan's group. We have a paper on AIGC under submission to NeurIPS, and I mainly worked on the TTS subsystem.
2025 Fall PhD, MPhil
Zhejiang University
Qingyu Yin Link
Mechanisms of LLM (basically I try to find, interpret, and sometimes fix features/issues in llms e.g. attention outliers, ICL)
Pubs: ICML*1 Others: 3 papers under review
26Fall PhD / 2025 RA
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Zhuohao Zhang Link
system & software security, binary analysis, software analysis, and static analysis
Pub: Accurate and Efficient Code Matching Across Android Application Versions against Obfuscation(SANER2024)
2025 Fall Phd
Carnegie Mellon University
- Link
Computational Social Science: Disinformation/Misinformation, Content moderation, Social media, Social simulation, AI persona NLP: LLM for social good, LLM for education, LLM Agent, Text Style transfer Human Computation Interaction: User experience for LLMs,LLM for education
published in ACL,COLING,ArabicNLP. Previously interned at SUTD
2025/2026 Fall
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(top 3 in China)
Jisheng Yin Link
any deep learning related areas
2025 Fall MPhili or PhD
Guangzhou University
(Unknown(Waive for graduate entrance exam))
Guangzhou University
Xingxin Yang Link
AI for Science(especially healthcare, biomedicine, fininace), Fairness or Bias(Medical model), LLMs(agents), Multimodal, Data Mining(sequence), automatic system
IELTS 6.5. Published 4 papers (IF 36), first author in top journal; 3 patents as first inventor. Received 7 scholarships, 3 honors, 4 national prizes. Led 3 AI projects; visited University of Washington. Technology startup generated RMB 120,000. Committed to innovation and excellence.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Tsinghua University
- Link
diffusion model, 3D Vision, Robotics
2025 Spring/Fall PhD, RA
Shanghai Maritime University
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Run-Ze Fan Link
1. Alignment, Complex Reasoning, Superalignment and Evaluation in LLMs. 2. Multi-modal Large Models. 3. LLM and VLM for robotics (Vision-Language-Action models).
Internship in both industry and academe. Collaborate with diverse students and researchers. Citation 80+.
2025 Fall PhD
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Lei Xu Link
Explainable AI (NeurIPS 2023), LLMs, Causality, Medical AI (MedIA 2022), Data mining (AAAI 2023, ICME 2023)
High GPA and National Scholarships in 2018 and 2022. High-quality publications in NeurIPS 2023, AAAI 2023, MedIA 2022. Research experience in multi-modal learning, sequence learning, and feature selection. Currently working on LLMs and causal discovery.
2025 Spring/Fall PhD
Shandong University
Zhengliang Shi Link
Current research interests focus on NLP, including (1) Retrieval-augmented generation, (2) Knowledge discovery, (3) Tool learning with foundation models, and (4) LLM-based agents. Besides, I am highly enthusiastic about embracing new and diverse research avenues and am keen to pursue further PhD education in other related fields.
Publications: Several first-author papers published in AI and NLP conferences such as ACL, EMNLP, and AAAI Internships: Long-term internship at Baidu Inc. with Baidu’s Search Science Team, maintaining close collaboration with team members Selected Scholarships: National Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship; Presidential Scholarship; Excellent Graduate Award; Academic Scholarships More details: https://shizhl.top/
2025 Spring/Fall PhD, RA; 2026 Phd
Guangdong University of Technology
Syracuse University
Dawen Liang Link
CXL memory disaggregation, SSD & Storage system, OS kernel bypass and I/O stack, RAG, MLOps/AIOps, Distributed System, Model Driven Engineering
Ex-eBay Core AI Engineering, RAG at BankOfAmerica, Kernel ByPass with Ultra-low latency SSD, CXL RAM disaggregation & in-storage computing. Overwhelming programming skills (17+ years) in various programming languages and ML frameworks and strong at paper reproductions, publishing book for developers, interdisciplinary understanding, persistent learner
Fall 2025 PhD